I believe I have actually been beset with a brand new phobia. I have had it for as long as I can remember. But today for some reason it has bothered me and I wanted to understand it better so I went here
http://www.phobialist.com to start my research. But after quickly glancing through the lists I think my problem has not yet been diagnosed. So I shall name it! I suffer from:
Iknowidontrememberwhatitgoestoandihaventuseditinyearsbutwhatifineeditonedayophobia"These are my keys that I carry with me everyday. When they are in the ignition and I go over a bump they swing back and forth hitting everything they can and call attention to themselves. They make a unsightly bulge in my pocket and sometime don't even fit completely inside the pocket. People have asked me, what are all those keys for? And I shrug my shoulders and tell them I don't know. They think I am crazy. I think they may be right! I have "Iknowidontrememberwhatitgoestoandihaventuseditinyearsbutwhatifineeditonedayophobia". Perhaps I will make the medical books?
Today I want to take the first steps in healing. I will admit to just how many I REALLY need and name the number of the left overs.
This one: Key to the garage
This one: Key to my house
This one: Key to my car
This one: Key to a friends house
This one: Key to remembering not to lose one's temper (long story, first divorce, ex being unbearable, I got angry and slammed the door. Key was in the lock and this one was flung into the door jamb. It used to unlock my mother's house.
This one: Daughter made it for my key ring and is a must to keep.
Okay so that leaves me with exactly 12 keys I have no use for. Dear heavens above it is worse than I thought. Just thinking about taking them off makes me break into a cold sweat.